The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 introduced procedures for informing owners of neighbouring properties of certain works proposed. These works may arise as a result of one owner's intention to carry out works to an existing party wall, involve the construction of a new party wall or boundary wall at or adjacent the line of junction between the two properties or excavation within certain distances of a neighbour's structure and to a lower depth than its foundations. 

Whether you are proposing to undertake work which includes excavating for foundations or which affects a Party Wall/Fence or building on, or close to, the boundary or whether it’s your neighbour undertaking the work, Mesones Chartered Surveyors can act on your behalf by serving relevant notices required under the Act, or responding to any notices which may have been served, drawing up Schedules of Condition in respect of neighbouring and adjoining properties, preparation of Party Wall Awards required under the Act and liaising with your neighbour and/or their professional representative throughout the process.

Our fees start from as little as £499.  

Get in touch with us for details of our fees and how to proceed.